Attention sellers on!

Furniture, toys, clothes – you can find all this and more on The platform makes it easy to place classified adverts. But beware: this time, the latest phishing scam is not aimed at buyers.

24.09.2024 –

Sellers who have placed classified adverts on are currently the target of cybercriminals. In response to their advert, they receive a fraudulent text message. It states that the advertised product has been successfully sold. To receive payment for it, they have to click on a link in the SMS. This leads to a fake website that looks confusingly similar to the official Ricardo website. Potential victims are asked to leave their credit card details on the fraudulent website in order to receive the money. Unfortunately, no money comes in after the process is completed – on the contrary. The credit card is charged directly by the fraudsters.

So, you need to #watchout. How to protect yourself against phishing:

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